The Simple Secret To Healthy Living Revealed
In this highly competitive world, we use our bodies and mind as mere vectors to reach our destination. This has eventually translated into an exponential rise in the cases of disabilities, illnesses, and deaths. As a consequence, the concept of ‘healthy living’ has begun to carry weight nowadays. Most often, people associate it with a flat belly, a rigid workout regimen for conscious weight management, and calculative eating. However, healthy living goes much beyond that.
So, What Is The Secret?
Healthy living involves the collective actions of people, which determine the quality of life they lead. It encompasses both physical as well as mental health. The practices which are supposed to be adapted to maintain a balance between the two come under the umbrella of a healthy lifestyle.
One of the major aspects of healthy living is nutrition. Our body’s nutritional requirements vary, depending on the age, gender, and physical activities we are involved in. Ensuring that the levels of macro and micronutrients are maintained in the body is extremely crucial for proper development and keeping deficiency diseases at bay. Curtailing the consumption of extra fats and sugar is equally important to lead a healthy life.
The second most important demand for your body is exercise. Regular physical activity keeps obesity under check and lowers the risk of coronary heart diseases, diabetes, and stroke. It enhances flexibility and bone strength. Moreover, exercises have proven to be immensely effective in dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression.
Needless to say, staying away from smoking and overconsumption of alcohol are, by rule, elements of healthy living.
In addition to these, taking care of one’s mental health is extremely important. Don’t forget to introspect and reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Be kind to yourself and others. Explore till you find what makes you happy. Let your inner voice decide what you want.
Final Words
Healthy living is no rocket science. However, it demands discipline, diligence, and consistency. There is no single formula to achieve it. Through continuous hit and miss, you need to find out what works the best for you and stick to that religiously so that your mind and body stay in harmony with each other.

Keto Diet – An Overview:
A Keto diet is a type of low-carb diet where there is a very low consumption of carbohydrates, moderate intake of proteins, and super high consumption of fats. A Keto diet has many benefits including the treatment of many diseases such as diabetes, cancer, neurological disorders, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). But this diet has gained worldwide attention after several studies that it plays a significant role in weight loss.
Macros is the short name used for macronutrients that consist of three big nutrients carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and their daily consumption.
Below is the simplified distribution of macronutrients in the human body that one should know before starting the Keto diet.
5-10% calories from carbs
15-30% calories from proteins
60-75% calories from fats
The human body produces glucose and insulin when high-carb food is consumed. Glucose is converted and used as an energy source for the body while insulin is used to process the glucose in the bloodstream. As glucose is the easiest available molecule hence it is considered the primary energy source and fats are stored as they are not needed at this stage.
But in the Keto diet, there is low consumption of carbs so the body breaks down the fats into energy-releasing molecules called Ketones. This breakdown of fats to provide energy results in a natural metabolic state called Ketosis. In this way, the liver not only burns body fat but also dietary fat without consuming additional carbs which ultimately results in weight loss and stable energy.
Benefits of a Keto Diet:
- The Keto diet not only reduces weight but also controls blood sugar levels.
- Ketones act as fuel for the brain which results in better mental performance, increased focus, and concentration.
- Keto diet stabilises hunger which keeps the body energised during the day.
- Keto diet also lowers down blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure under control.
- This kind of low-carb diet fights against various skin issues like acne and inflammation and makes the overall appearance of the skin better.
What to eat on a Keto diet?
If you want to get the desired results then you have to limit the carb intake. As the Keto diet is all about restricting carb intake and increasing fat intake so one must be mindful of eating healthy fats and forbidding refined carbs.

What to eat?
- Meat – red meat, chicken, turkey, bacon, ham, steak, sausage, etc.
- Fish – only fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout, etc.
- Dairy – grass-fed butter, heavy cream, unprocessed cheese, greek yogurt, etc.
- Nuts and seeds – almonds, walnuts, cashew nut, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, etc.
- Oils – almond oil, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, etc.
- Veggies – leafy green, tomatoes, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, avocado, etc.
- Sweeteners – stevia, erythritol, etc.
What not to eat?
- Sugary food – juices, cakes, candies, ice cream, soda, etc.
- Grains – wheat flour, pasta, rice, corn, cereal, etc.
- Fruits – all fruits except berries
- Tubers – potatoes, yams, parsnips, etc.
- Unhealthy fats – processed vegetable oils, margarine, etc.
- Alcohol – wine, beer, liquor, etc.
In this blog, we have mentioned all the necessary information about the Keto diet. If you have any other information, let us know in the comments.

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